Fair & Handsome

This product has just gone on sale in the UK, although I doubt that they’d be able to run this spot over here. Thoughts?

(The BBC have a decent analysis here that’s well worth a read)

4 Responses to “Fair & Handsome”

  1. Carl Says:

    I think the only word I could make out in that was American. Says enough really

  2. Charles Frith Says:

    If you’re point is about another skin whitening product then I can assure you we’ve had hours and hours over this one. Its a sensitive point with progressive planners and creatives.

  3. Doug Says:

    i suppose it is. i guess i was surprised by both the product and also by the ‘benefit claims’ made by the ad (you’ll get all the girls etc)

    another case of grass is always greener – it seems that most cultures have a desire to alter their looks/ethnicity by using products

    very interesting though and I can imagine it’s a very sensitive area to work with!

  4. willem_vdh Says:

    Pretty amazing, I really don’t know about it being successful in the UK but I just got back from Chine and it would be a scream over there, they crave anything that can make their skin whiter/paler

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